Sharon Waking and Having Trouble Going Back to Sleep : Sharon, 39, housewife. Sleep Problem: Began 9 years ago after a car accident. Before: Generally wakes after 1-2 hours, and stays awake for most of the rest of the night. Thinks when she wakes up at night: 'oh no, I’ve woken up again. Now I’ll never get back to sleep'. Watches TV on and off all night. Has severe headaches during the day from being overtired. No longer thinks about the car accident. After: For the first 5 weeks there was no change. Then sleep started to improve. Still wakes up once on most nights, but now usually goes back to sleep within 30 minutes. Generally gets about 6 hours sleep. 'It is years since I’ve slept this well. I’m full of energy. I’m not exhausted any more. I’ve only had two headaches in two months. I’m less irritable, and more friendly to my husband and to other people. I’m really happy in myself. People comment on the change in me. I tell anybody who says they can’t sleep that they should try using the program'. Going to bed 1-2 hours later seems to have been important, also realising that many people with similar problems have succeeded in sleeping better.