ShirleyWorrying About 'Not Sleeping' : Shirley, 56, cleaning lady, divorced.
'I’m a champion at worrying. I can’t turn off my brain when I go to bed'.
Problem: Began 15 years ago when her teenage children were out late at night and she
used to lie in bed worrying about them. These days, from about 6 pm onwards, she worries:
'How will I sleep tonight?'. Feels very defeated, hopeless, discouraged. Feels very sceptical
about using the program. 'I’m afraid I won’t be able to concentrate on it'. Nevertheless,
she said: 'I will persevere. It is up to me to make it work'.
Before: Takes 1-2 hours to fall asleep, and wakes up 8-10 times each night.
After: No improvement until the sixth week, but is now sleeping a lot better. Now
takes 20-30 minutes to fall asleep, and wakes 1- 2 times a night for a total of about 30
minutes. Is less tired during the day, and is a lot calmer about her sleep. 'The program is
terrific, I can tell you that. It gives you the clue how to help yourself. I always used to
get so upset if I couldn’t sleep, but now I have so many tools to use that I don’t get
upset'. Learning to do thought-switching seems to have been important, also saying to
herself: 'Don’t even start' when the first worries appear in bed.